1. Deploying and running the applications If you want to execute the application in a Node.js server, as far as I know, follow theses steps: 1. Execute npm run build , and verify there is no errors. 2. Try to execute the application in the 2 ways: 2.1 Development mode: npm run dev and 2.2 Production mode: npm run start Verify that the application runs OK in both cases! 3. You must copy all the contents of the project folder (in my case my-app10) to another folder in the server , then, execute npm run start and verify that the application works. But it runs HTTP! If you want to change the port of the server, change the " start " parameter in the package.json file as follows: "start": "next start -p $PORT " where $PORT is the desired port (for instance 3001, 8080 ..) 2. Alternatively running HTTP. Using server.js After you have copied the development folder to the server, follow these steps: 1. Create the file...