15. Next.js Tutorial (2). Fetching data. Async functions getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, getStaticPaths
1. Fetching data at the beginning of the application In the index.tsx (index.ts) you can use one of these 2 asyncfunctions: getStaticProps() which works in client-side pre-rendering and the content is reused. So only one call is made, and it is made at build time . This is quicker. getServerSideProps() that works on the server-side rendering and every call can produce different results as data changes. Use only if you need to render a page whose data must be fetched at request time such as authorization. //export async function getStaticProps() { / / only on pre-rendering export async function getServerSideProps ( ) { // only on server side rendering const allPostsData = getSortedPostsData ( ) ; return { props : { allPostsData , } , } ; } export default function Home ( { allPostsData } : { allPostsData : PostData [ ] } ) { return ( < Layout home > . . . . . . . Do not use API route inside getServ...
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